Tuesday, May 27, 2008


Today, our youngest daughter, Mikayla Rose Xin-Guang, knelt with Pastor Ed, her mom and dad and asked Jesus to come into her heart. It was a "moment." There are no words to express our joy as we witnessed this miracle.
Pastor Ed has been very supportive of our adoption from the beginning. He, Tammy and their children met us at the airport 7 years ago and he was the FIRST one to take Mikayla from my arms. He blessed her and prayed for her salvation in God's time. Today, that prayer came to pass.

It occurs to me that today, not October 29, is her REAL "Gotcha Day" for today, Xin Guang's adoption is complete.

Praise God! We truly believe He has a very special plan for her life. We are indeed honored and humbled to have been chosen to raise this sweet little girl and look forward to watching God's plan unfold.

We will schedule her baptism after we find out when her brother, Chris, can come home. Hopefully Sunday, June 8. God is good!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Congratulations Loren!!!!

We are so proud of our "granddaughter", Loren! She graduated 8th grade last week at North Mobile Christian with academic honors. She also played volleyball and basketball and was voted MVP. Furthermore, she was co-captain of her cheerleading squad.
Loren will be cheering for the new Saraland High School next year. Way to go Loren!!! We love you! (Loren is the 2nd girl from the left, 1st row in the cheerleading photo)

Nasser Pics / Spring Festival 2008

Thanks to my brother, Thomas Spradlin for the professional photos!

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Girlfriend Fight

Mikayla told me that some of her girlfriends had an argument during P.E. I asked her what they did about it. She said, "Well, I was going to tell Mrs. Steele....but then, we'd have to "have a talk" and that takes FOREVER! She goes on ....and on....and on." :)

Monday, May 19, 2008

The Next Donald Trump!

If you had asked Mikayla what she wanted to be 6 months ago she would have told you she wanted to be a MOM and a TEACHER like her mother and sister, Brooke.

Three months ago, she told me she had decided she did not want to be a gymnast anymore....she wanted to be a SINGER. Now, if you really know our daughter, you know she is basically tone deaf!

Today she announced she was going to grow up and work in an office like her sister, Paige. She plans to ask Santa for office supplies next Christmas. Furthermore, she's decided she is going to open an office in her bedroom this summer and give massages for 50 cents and foot massages for 25 cents. She said she was going to do it cheap so people would come. Oh my gosh! We have an entrepreneur in the family!

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Earthquake in China---a Child's Response

Tonight, Mikayla saw the CNN coverage of the horrible earthquake that ravaged her native home, China. I had tried to protect her from the news and had not told her of it. I quickly turned the TV off but not until she saw the bodies being carried away on stretchers among a street lined with body bags.

The look on my little girl's face broke my heart. She was horrified. She burst into tears and was inconsolable for a very long time. She kept searching my face with her intensely dark eyes asking why God let it happen? I tried to explain to her that God sometimes allows bad things to happen for a reason. Perhaps now people everywhere will realize how much they need Him. She continued to weep in my arms. She kept telling me that was her home. When I explained to her that most of the people in China survived, she simply looked at me and said, "But Mama, some people DIED!"

Her dad and I told her later that we had made a donation to Half the Sky, in honor of the beautiful Chinese daughter that the people of China allowed us to adopt. It seemed to help her feelings. She immediately decided she wanted to help too. So.....we put her Build a Bear wardrobe on Ebay! The funds she earns will be sent to Half the Sky to help the victims of the earthquake. I doubt she will make more than $20 but it will provide her a pricless gift---peace of mind.

I have never been as proud of my daughter as I am today.

Needless to say, she prayed for them tonight and I'm sure she will continue to do so for a very long time. Please join our little one...and us in this prayer for these precious people who will always have a very special place in our hearts.
Mikayla's Ebay items sold within a few hours. She was so excited she could hardly sleep tonight. We're going to the post office to mail the items to the buyer and then we'll write the check for $15 to send to China for the earthquake victims. $15 to an eight year old feels like a fortune. She really feels like she's done something HUGE to help the victims who are in such dire need.
I have a feeling she will be tearing through her room tomorrow after school to see what else she sell on Ebay. Oh my goodness, we may have a serious problem on our hands! I love it!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Nathan Graduates Kindergarten

Congratulations Nathan. We are so proud of you! Brooke directed the graduation as a teacher while cheering her son as he received his diploma.

Monday, May 12, 2008

Congratulations Chris!

We are so proud of our son, Christopher Michael. Chris is an electrical engineer, specializing in optics. Today, he was awarded the prestigious 2007 Global War On Terrorism "Magnum" award from the Department of Defense for the work he did to advance our nation's fight against terrorism. When we asked him to explain to us exactly what he did he replied, "If I tell you, I'd have to kill you!'

Even though he and a team from different parts of the country worked on a top secret project for many months, Chris and his team have never been told exactly how their work would be used by the Department of Defense. We suspect it has something to do with "the war" and we also know this important project was successful and they have the satisfaction of knowing they've made our country a safer place.

Chris, we are so proud of you. You have truly used your God-given talents to "make a difference." I have no doubt that lives have been saved because of your hard work.

BTW, the GWOT stands for Global War on Terrorism. The reason it is called the Magnum awards was because the final testing was done in Hawaii. Get it....Magnum, P.I.!!! Actually the P.I. stands for Polarized Imaging.....not exactly sure of the exact wording) I never claimed to be science savy; I'm just a proud mom!

Friday, May 9, 2008

Birth Mother's Day

The day before Mother's Day is "Birth Mother's Day." As always, my heart and thoughts are in China this time of year. I know this is an act of futility but the cry of my heart needs to be expressed. I began this letter on my Mother's Day after Mikayla came home. It is still a work in progress as I watch our child grow.
(letter below)
May 8, 2008

To My Daughter’s Birth-Mother,

It's Mothers Day again and as always, my thoughts are with you in China. I realize this letter will never find its way to your mailbox but I hope it will, in some way, find its way into your heart. How do I begin to tell you how I feel? How can I adequately express my appreciation? Even though we have never and will never meet, I know we have much in common. We both cherish life and love our children. I love my children with a passion that borders on obsession. But you….you loved your daughter enough to give her life and then say goodbye. Ending her existence within your womb would have been so easy. Your pain would have been limited to a point in time. No, that’s not really true, is it? Someone who cared enough about her unborn baby to risk so much could never have an abortion and then walk away. Nonetheless, you would not have had to look into her precious little face and gaze into her beautiful, dark eyes knowing you would have to abandon her in order to save her. What thoughts ran through your mind as you tasted her sweet breath? Did you hold her tight as you nursed her trying to memorize her eyes, her hair, and her smell?

How I wish I could talk to you and tell you how much I admire your courage and appreciate your sacrifice. My mother always said we must love our children enough to let them go. I’ve know the gut-wrenching pain of watching my child leave home, knowing he will never live under our roof again. I know the heartache when a child jumps into life feet first without looking. Even so, never have I been faced with a situation as difficult as the one you faced----an impossible situation.

How did you do it? How did you find the courage to walk away from the precious baby you carried for nine months? I KNOW you loved her. Otherwise, you would have taken the easy way out. Instead you did whatever you had to do to protect her and carry her to term. Did you run away and live with relatives in that remote province in order to hide your pregnancy from officials? Did you suffer silently and give birth alone or with the help of a relative or did a kind physician deliver Xin Guang and then conveniently forget?

Did you know from the beginning you would have to give up your daughter? Or….did circumstances force you into that position after her birth? I've been told that women in rural China have little sense of "self" and often have to obey the demands of her husband or even at times, her mother-in-law who wants a son. So many questions and no answers.

My heart breaks for you. Even during our long wait, I prayed for you, thinking of the strength and courage it would take to do the unthinkable---to leave your baby in hopes another would pick up where you were forced to leave off. We’ve been told only five percent of the orphans in China are ever adopted. Did you know that? Did you know your baby had only a five percent chance of ever leaving her poor orphanage? Even so, an orphanage existence would insure she would be fed and warm.

How your heart must continue to ache. Do you sleep at night? I pray so. Furthermore, I will continue to pray for you as I do my best to raise your daughter. It seems grossly unfair that the very thing that gives you such pain is the reason for my joy. Please know my happiness does not emanate from your suffering but from the “reason” of your suffering---your daughter----“our” daughter.

I will do everything in my power to learn as much about Xin Guang’s life before her adoption in order to give her a sense of continuity and respect for her culture. You have my word, I will teach her to love and respect you. I will assure her of how much you loved her and how you risked being identified when you set off fire crackers to insure she was found quickly. Thanks to your actions, a kind family rescued her from the freezing ground within minutes. Were you hiding behind the shrubbery in that small village watching as Mr. Luo scooped her up and held her close to warm her tiny body? Did you have to cover your mouth to keep from screaming, “Stop!” when he carried her inside his small house? How did you find the courage to walk away? I have cried many tears thinking of you and that life-defining moment.

After returning from China, I mailed photos of Xin Guang to Mr. Luo in hopes he would spread the word in his village. Do you know she is safe? Do you know she is loved and cherished? How I wish I knew. Perhaps I could sleep better at night if I did. My heart is intrinsically connected to yours and always will be.

Xin Guang is now a big girl. You would be so proud of her. She is smart, beautiful, compassionate, talented and so very, very sweet. Does she look like you? Do you share her little dimple on one cheek? I often think I would recognize you if I saw you in a crowd. Xin Guang asks about you and worries that you might be sad, hungry or sick. She has cried many tears telling me she misses you. I truly believe her “baby heart” remembers your closeness during your pregnancy and those eleven days following her birth. The hardest thing I’ve ever done has been to hold her as she weeps, looking into those beautiful, dark eyes that have the deep, deep pain of one abandoned. It's all I can do to not look away during those moments as she searches my eyes for answers---answers I do not have. I just hold her and often cry with her. All I can do is reassure her that you indeed love her and that she inherited your courage and love of life. I tell her you are happy knowing you did the right thing, knowing your dreams for her have come true. How I pray that you are.

In closing, I want to pledge to you that I will dedicate my life to helping “our” daughter become all God created her to be. I also pray for your salvation because I long to spend an eternity thanking you, getting to know you, and watching you and Xin Guang get to know each other.

Your “sister” in motherhood,

Peparing for the Real Deal

The Actual Recital ---link below


Monday, May 5, 2008


The children's ministry at our church, Kid Grid, has been stressing the virtue of patience this month. So, Mikayla and I were talking about it and she said she "really wanted to see Jesus but she guessed she would just have to be patient". So sweet! Then, she asked me "If Jesus took our sins from us how could God let Him go to Heaven?" Oh my goodness! Not quite sure how to answer that one!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Babies, Babies, Babies!

After Mikayla's gymnastic festival and a nice dinner at a Chinese restaurant with the family, Mikayla went to her room to check on her new hamster. She had saved her money and bought her a week ago. Within seconds, she came running through the house screaming for her dad. We went running into the room and found 7 BABY HAMSTERS!!!!! What on earth are we supposed to do with 8 hamsters! )

Nassers 2008 Spring Fest / Gymnastic Recital

Mikayla has taken gymnastics for 2 1/2 years. She LOVES it! It has been a great stress reliever after school and she's made many wonderful friends. So has mom! I love to sit and watch and chat with the other gymnastic moms. Since Nassers has Wi Fi, I'm able to work on COL, shop Ebay, study etc.